Online gambling has taken on many forms, from virtual poker to sports betting. The first general-public online gambling site was the Liechtenstein International Lottery. Today, online gambling is available in more than 200 countries. Here’s a look at the different kinds of sites, the types of games they offer, and deposit options. Before you start playing online, be sure to research your options before signing up for an account. Once you’re familiar with the different types of gambling sites, you can play responsibly and enjoy a thrilling and exciting experience.
UIGEA carve-out for online gambling
The UIGEA, the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act, is a federal law that prohibits online gambling, but contains exceptions for a number of activities. It carved out activities like sports betting, lotteries, and games that are predominantly based on chance. Additionally, the bill exempted activities that are governed by securities laws, including those involving over-the-counter derivative instruments. It also exempted activities such as life, health, and accident insurance, as well as reward programs.
While the UIGEA has made online gambling easier, it has also impacted payment processors. Before the law was passed, several major credit card processors abandoned the US online gambling market, leaving online gambling sites with questionable alternatives. Luckily, eWalletXpress and ePassporte survived. The two ewallets were initially used by adult websites, but received a cease-and-destruction notice from the US government.