Online Poker in Connecticut

online poker

Despite the recent legalization of online poker in two states, Pennsylvania and Michigan, Connecticut’s path towards launching its own online poker site is not quite clear. Although the state’s legislators are hopeful for shared liquidity, the final ruling on the Wire Act is still pending, and the state has yet to receive any official notification. This may delay the launch of online poker in Connecticut for another year or so. But that doesn’t mean the state won’t be able to reap the rewards of an online poker industry.

If Connecticut enters a shared liquidity agreement with other states, it’s likely that the state will benefit from the increased player pools that will be created. But it may be harder to attract large operators to Connecticut. There aren’t any currently operating poker sites in Connecticut, and it’s unlikely that DraftKings or FanDuel will launch a site there anytime soon. But the state could potentially enter a shared liquidity agreement with neighboring states, such as New Jersey and Nevada, which are already running online poker sites. This could create an exciting market for Connecticut poker players.

The state of Connecticut has a population of 3.5 million people. However, this relatively small population does not offer a huge market opportunity for online poker operators. If there’s no online poker in Connecticut before the shared liquidity deal is finalized, it’s likely that Connecticut won’t see online poker until the early 2021s. However, with positive expectations for shared liquidity, Connecticut could be a hotbed of online poker in the coming years.

Online poker is also faster than live poker, and that means players can get more hands dealt per hour. The faster pace of play can artificially improve short-term results, but it can also mean higher variance. In addition, playing poker online is more likely to yield bad beats, which can sometimes outdo better hands in the long run. Regardless of the benefits of online poker, it’s important to remember that it’s harder to make money playing poker online than in a live setting.

While the Wire Act is not currently applied to online poker, it’s expected to be reinterpreted to apply to the game, and the state may be able to enter an agreement with another state as it’s doing with Nevada and New Jersey. The Wire Act may also be applied to live casinos, which is less black-and-white than it is for online poker. In fact, some poker pros have complained that online poker lacks the etiquette of live poker.

For online poker in Connecticut to be successful, the state must provide a solid foundation for online players to build upon. The state is likely to partner with tribes and sports betting companies to launch the first online casino and betting sites in the state by the fall of 2021. Online poker is also likely to be regulated in neighboring states, such as New Jersey and New York, which could create a thriving online poker market in Connecticut.